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Suggested AI Prompts for Using Performance Assessments

Writer's picture: AdminAdmin

CTE learning is measured by student performance. Teachers must implement formative assessments to monitor ongoing progress and summative assessments for accountability. These should be designed to evaluate both technical proficiency and academic application.

A key aspect of teaching is frequent and meaningful feedback to students, helping them understand their progress in both academic and technical domains.


Teachers can use Generative AI apps to support integrating academics and CTE instruction in effective assessment in many ways. The list of AI prompts can support teachers in improving assessment practices around integration. Plug these into one of the Generative AI apps and explore ideas for your instruction and assessment.


Generative AI can be used in three teacher paradigms: Creation, Support, and Empowerment.


 AI-Creation - use AI's search and writing capabilities to create new ideas, descriptions, and assessments, which can be adapted for planning feedback and evaluation.


·       Generate a detailed rubric for assessing [specific skill/task] in a [program area] classroom, ensuring alignment with industry standards.

·       What are the essential academic skills to assess in [specific trade] program?

·       Suggest a rubric assessing academic knowledge and technical skills in a CTE project.

·       Suggest a rubric that measures the use of critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

·       How can performance-based assessments in CTE align with both academic standards and industry expectations?

·       What are the key elements of a balanced assessment approach that combines hands-on performance, written tests, and reflective tasks in CTE?

·       How can CTE teachers assess students’ "big picture thinking" in addition to assessing specific technical performance?


AI-Support – use generative language to improve assessment practices and provide more understandable expectations and more personalized feedback for individual student learning.


·       Suggest strategies to adapt a hands-on assessment for [program area] students with varying skill levels or special needs.

·       Design a self-assessment tool for students to evaluate their performance on [specific task] and identify areas for improvement.

·       Revise the following rubric to make it simpler for high school students to understand.

·       How can CTE teachers reconcile student performance assessments with traditional numerical grades?

·       How can CTE teachers give formative feedback on problem-solving, critical thinking, and communication?


AI-Empowerment – use generative language to improve teacher professional growth by explaining concepts, vocabulary, and practices in integrating academics, career, and technical education.


·       What types of formative assessments work best in CTE classrooms to gauge student progress before formal evaluations?

·       What are practical ways to incorporate safety protocols as a critical component of CTE assessments?

·       Suggest multiple ways to assess student career and technical education learning when integrating academic knowledge.

·       What are common challenges CTE teachers face when designing assessments, and how can they overcome these?

·       Considering industry standards and classroom constraints, what are effective strategies for assessing hands-on skills in a [specific trade] classroom?

·       How can CTE teachers adapt their workplace training methods to effective classroom assessments?

·       What professional development opportunities are available to help CTE teachers from the industry improve their assessment practices?

·       What are strategies for ensuring that assessments measure not just task completion but also understanding and skill transferability?


Richard Jones 11-18-24

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