NYSTTTA is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization registered with the Attorney General's Office in the State of New York to provide support for CTE Teachers who are certified to teach Trade and Technical subjects. The organization is governed by a Board of Directors that includes elected officers (President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary), Zone Representatives (two) from each of the ACTEA Zones 1-6 identified in the map above and one representative from the "Big Five" City Schools. Also included as members of the Board of Directors will be one special representative each from NYSACTE and ACTEA to provide continuity and direction for our work as an organization.
The purposes of the organization are to:
stimulate professional growth for Trade and Technical Teachers
protect the interests of Trade and Technical Teachers in New York State
provide an opportunity for collaboration and attention to program development
provide an opportunity for addressing and supporting common interests of New York State Trade and Technical Teachers
provide the organization with support from business and industry to remain current with the trends in workforce needs
provide support for public relations initiatives related to Trade and Technical Education
promote and foster partnerships with others interested in working with Trade and Technical Teachers

NYSTTTA Board of Directors
Brenda Moore
Brenda has been a cosmetology teacher at Orange/Ulster BOCES for 27 years. She is an alumni of the program, earned her AAS in Business from SUNY Delhi, her BS in Vocational Technical Education from SUNY Oswego, and has worked in several salons throughout her career. In addition to teaching, she is the Team Leader for her academy, and continues to work in her own salon. Brenda is a former examiner/assistant supervisor for the NYS Cosmetology & Nail Specialty Practical Licensing examinations. Brenda has a Youtube channel, where she helps to prepare future licensed cosmetologists for their practical examinations. She has also mentored new teachers and has served as a master teacher for student teachers.
Theresa Calabrese
Vice President
Theresa is a recently retired Cosmetology Instructor. She worked at the Syracuse City School District for 24 years. Theresa completed her BS in Vocational Teacher Preparation from SUNY Oswego. She has been a New York State Cosmetology State Board Licensing Examiner for over 35 years. In total, she has over 40 years as a New York State Licensed Cosmetologist. Theresa was also a member of her school Leadership Team. In retirement, she plans to mentor new CTE teachers within SCSD.
Dave Arntsen
Dave is a retired CTE Administrator, starting his career as a CTE teacher in the Carpentry program at Madison-Oneida BOCES. Dave holds a BS in Vocational Education and a MSEd in Education Administration from SUNY Oswego. He previously served on the Board of Directors for ACTEA, and is now serving on the NYSACTE Board of Directors for NYSTTTA
Cynthia Bruton-Thomas
Post Secondary Representative
Cynthia Thomas serves as an Assistant Professor for the Career and Technical Educator Preparation Department at her Alma Mater SUNY Oswego. She is a EdD student at the University of Buffalo and works to provide instructional, and professional support to future CTE professionals while staying dedicated to advancing the CTE industry through innovation and educational support. Prior to her transition to secondary education, she spent 7 years as a secondary CTE educator, instructional coach, and curriculum writer. She also facilitates the NYSACTE Fellowship and oversees the Region 1 policy.
Anne Carnahan
Zone 1 Representative
Anne Carnahan is a New York State Certified Cosmetology Instructor at Orleans Career and Technical School in Medina. She has over 35 years of industry experience and began her CTE career as an aide for 4 years at OCTEC and has now been teaching for 8 years. She has a BS degree in CTE and Vocational Education through Buffalo State College and along with teaching she continues to work part time at Logics Hair Salon in Amherst, NY.
Karen Riche
Zone 2 Representative
Karen is a New York State Certified Cosmetology Instructor at Syracuse City School District. She has 15 years of industry experience ranging from beauty services provider, private Cosmetology school educator, and independent business owner. Karen has earned her BS in Career and Technical Teacher Preparation and MSEd in Career & Technical education, both from SUNY Oswego.
Lisa Baron
Zone 3 Representative
Lisa currently teaches at the Robert H. Gibson Technical School in Troy. She has been a cosmetology teacher at Questar III BOCES, serving Rensselaer, Columbia and Greene counties for over 25 years. Prior to that she taught at the F. Donald Myers Education Center in Saratoga Springs and the Orlo School of Hair Design in Albany. Lisa completed her education requirements for teacher certification at SUNY Oswego and the University at Albany. In addition to teaching Lisa has designed and published a PowerPoint series for Milady (a division of Cengage Learning). Lisa has vast experience as a private contractor in both salons and spas as a hairstylist and skin care specialist. She served as a New York State examiner for many years and is a union representative for New York State United Teachers.
Sharon Myers
Zone 4 Representative
Sharon graduated from Dutchess BOCES CTI 40 years ago and worked in the Beauty industry as a stylist, colorist and salon owner and continues today as a lifelong learner. Sharon has been a Cosmetology teacher at Dutchess BOCES Career and Technical Institute since 2007 and also at Putnam Northern Westchester in 2004. Since 2022, she has moved into the WBL Coordinator position at Dutchess CTI. She has an A.S. in Business Management from DCC and a B.S. in Vocational Technical Education from SUNY Oswego and her WBL Coordinator Certification. She continues to work in the industry and is an examiner for NYS Cosmetology Licensing Division. She is a lead advisor in SkillsUSA at her local BOCES and sits on the NYS Board as an Advisor Trustee for Area 4. She uses the Framework to empower her students to become professional, self-motivated leaders and to excel in their futures.
Lorraine Knoblauch
Zone 6 Representative
Lorraine is a Cosmetology Teacher at Islip High School in Long Island. She graduated from St. John's University with a BS in Criminal Justice, from Adelphi University with a degree in Art Education, and from Dowling College with her SDA & SAS. Lorraine is a recent graduate of City Tech University with a work-based learning coordinator certificate and is currently working on helping her students accelerate their college/career opportunities. Lorraine attended Long Island Beauty School, where she received her NYS Cosmetology License. She has been a teacher for 25 years and aspires to lead the way in CTE in her district. Lorraine is also a NYS Cosmetology State Board Examiner.
Matt Sheehan
ACTEA Liaison
Matt Sheehan is an accomplished educational leader specializing in Career and Technical Education (CTE) and technology education across New York State. As the Director of the Center for Career and Technical Excellence at Broome-Tioga BOCES, Matt manages the educational journey of 2,500 students and oversees 200 staff members, driving innovative programs across multiple locations. His leadership in developing the P-TECH curriculum and expanding CTE programs highlights his commitment to preparing students for the future workforce. He is a board member of the New York State Association of Career and Technical Education (NYSACTE), serving as the representative for the Association for Career and Technical Education Administrators (ACTEA) bringing his expertise to the work of both organizations. Matt continues to influence and innovate within the field of education, ensuring that CTE remains a vital component of student success in New York State, and shares his knowledge and experience with us as ACTEA liaison.
NYSTTTA Zone Representative Roles and Responsibilities
Attend quarterly NYSTTTA Board meetings and participate in scheduled conference calls when necessary between board meetings
Organize and hold individual Zone meetings to share information with other NYSTTTA members in your region and to elicit input on issues and membership needs
Provide an opportunity for collaboration events and workshops to be held in your region, and to promote collaboration with other NYSTTTA Zones in the state
Attend the NYSACTE Joint Conference every other year if time and schedule allow
Be an active member of NYSTTTA through membership application process
Promote NYSTTTA membership within your region
Identify ideas for workshops and professional development opportunities through your Zone membership and share at NYSTTTA Board meetings
Support sharing of best practice by contributing articles for inclusion in the newsletter and/or website
Work with your ACTEA Zone Representative to identify common issues and to develop ways we can effectively address the needs of CTE Teachers locally and regionally.
10. Remain current with National and State initiatives that impact your membership